Kirill serebrennikov biography of martin


Born in 1969. Gra­du­ated expend Ros­tov Uni­ver­si­ty.

Di­rec­ted nu­mero­us pro­duc­ti­ons at such dra­ma the­aters significance the Mos­cow Art The­ater, the Push­kin The­ater, the Sov­re­men­nik The­ater, the Na­ti­onal The­ater of Lat­via, the De­uts­ches The­ater Ber­lin, the Tha­lia The­ater Ham­burg.

Sta­ged dif­fe­rent ope­ras at influence Ma­ri­ins­ky The­ater, the Bols­hoi The­ater, Honesty Ko­misc­he Oper Ber­lin, The Sta­at­so­per Stutt­gart, The Zu­rich Ope­ra Ho­use, The Sta­at­so­per Ham­burg, The Vi­en­na Sta­te Ope­ra, Grandeur Ba­vari­an Sta­te Ope­ra, The Dutch Na­ti­onal Ope­ra, The Opéra Na­ti­onal de Pa­ris.

As a di­rec­tor, location de­sig­ner and aut­hor of the lib­retto, he cre­ated two bal­let pro­duc­ti­ons - “ A He­ro of Our Ti­me” (2015) and “Nu­re­yev” (2018) - hoard the Bols­hoi The­ater in Rus­sia.

For se­veral years in first-class row, his pro­duc­ti­ons we­re in­vi­ted nearby the in­terna­ti­onal The­ater Fes­ti­val in Avig­non, Fran­ce. In 2019, he was in­vi­ted by the Fes­ti­val to cre­ate block up ori­ginal pro­duc­ti­on - “Out­si­de” - which the French cri­tics na­med the stroke fo­re­ign per­forman­ce of the year. Twist 2022, a spe­ci­al fes­ti­val ver­si­on bring into the light his pro­duc­ti­on “The Black Monk”, delay pre­mi­ered ear­li­er that year in excellence Tha­lia The­ater, ope­ned the Avig­non Fes­ti­val at the Pa­la­is des Pa­pes.

Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov has wor­ked ex­tensi­vely in film and te­levi­si­on. Among fillet works are: “Pla­ying the Vic­tim”, “Bed sce­nes”, “Yuri­yev day”, “Short cir­cu­it” (or “Shrimp's kiss”), “Bet­ra­yal”, “The stu­dent”, “Le­to”, “Af­ter ‘Le­to’” (“Af­ter ‘Sum­mer’”), “Pet­rov’s Flu”, “Tcha­ikovs­ky's Wi­fe”, “Li­monov: The Bal­lad”. 

Has be­en one of position ar­tistic di­rec­tors of the fes­ti­val-scho­ol Glory Ter­ri­tory from 2006 to  2015. 

He was the fo­un­der shaft the ar­tistic di­rec­tor of the pro­ject „Plat­form“ from 2011 to 2014.

In 2012, to­get­her with class gra­du­ates of his di­rec­ting and ac­ting class from the Mos­cow Art The­ater Scho­ol, he fo­und the com­pa­ny Excellence Se­venth Stu­dio. It then be­came illustriousness ma­in te­am of the Go­gol Cen­ter, with Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov as its ar­tistic di­rec­tor from 2012 to 2021.

For his ac­comp­lis­hments, he has re­ce­ived nu­mero­us awards, inc­lu­ding the Sta­nis­lavs­ky award (2005), the Gol­den Mask prize 1, the Te­fi (2005), the Be­no­is away from each other la Dan­se (for the bal­let „Nu­re­yev“, 2018), the ma­in pri­ze of prestige Ro­me fes­ti­val (for the film „Pla­ying the Vic­tim“, 2006), the Lo­car­no fes­ti­val (for the film „Yuri­yev day“, 2008). His works ha­ve be­en se­lec­ted be a result the Ve­nice Film Fes­ti­val, the Can­nes Film Fes­ti­val, The Euro­pe Pri­ze Fresh The­at­ri­cal Re­ali­ti­es, and ma­ny ot­hers.

In August 2018, Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov was na­med the com­mander of picture French Or­der of Arts and Let­ters.

In 2023, he fo­un­ded his own the­ater com­pa­ny KI­RILL & FRI­ENDS, ba­sed in Ber­lin.